How to play

From Supremacy Wiki
Revision as of 22:06, 31 December 2013 by Reg (talk | contribs) (Tips: Multiplayer Tips == *it seems to be important to search for systems with dilithium and raw material. Systems with many moons are good for the building Moon Habitation *with transport ships it might be available to conquer systems (don't know e)

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Start Screen

  • Select Single Player


  • ESC goes to Start Screen (CONTINUE is available there)

Begin a new game

Galaxy size: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large & Huge
Galaxy Shape: Irregular, Spiral, Ring, Cluster, Elliptical
Star Density: Dense, Medium, Sparse
Planet Density: Dense, Medium, Sparse
Tech Level: Early, Developed, Sophisticated, Adavnced, Supreme
Minor Races: None, Few, Some, Many


  • at diplomatic offers don't forget to SEND
  • ships: right mouse -> select an order
  • growth of population first goes to labor pool (bottom) -> put into buildings

see Manual#Game play tips

Multiplayer Tips

  • it seems to be important to search for systems with dilithium and raw material. Systems with many moons are good for the building Moon Habitation
  • with transport ships it might be available to conquer systems (don't know exactly)
  • Empire's insignia top right shows at mouse over which human player has which race